Web Design Work

How to Ski Narrative Scrolling

This project aims to create an engaging narrative scrolling website that would allow any begginer to skiing to easily understand the path of improvement of skiing.

Virtual Image Gallery

This website is made to mimic that of a real gallery space in the virtual world and is filled with pictures of nature. However, the twist is that the nature within the pictures are some real and some virtual. discussing an interesting idea of virtual and real connections.

CSS Art: D for Div

This project consists of 3 exploration of interactive art of which the user's mouse movement triggers color changes wihtin the artwork. The experience is a constent process of creation and change as the artworks morph according to the mouse.

HTML Project: Getting to know U(RL)

This project is a short design-focused self introduction in the form of a website.

Just ASCIIs about ME

This project is a exploration of the hidden ascii arts that exists hidden in the internet. Consisiting of 3 unique ascii arts hidden in html or css files as well as a personal ascii art hidden in the files.